My most popular software packages are:
EPyT-Flow -- EPANET Python Toolkit - Flow
EPyT-Flow is a Python package building on top of EPyT for providing easy access to water distribution network simulations. It aims to provide a high-level interface for the easy generation of hydraulic and water quality scenario data. However, it also provides access to low-level functions by EPANET and EPANET-MSX.
CEML -- Counterfactuals for Explaining Machine Learning models - A Python toolbox
CEML is a Python toolbox for computing counterfactuals. Counterfactuals can be used to explain the predictions of machine learing models.
It supports many common machine learning frameworks:
- scikit-learn (1.3.1)
- PyTorch (2.0.1)
- Keras & Tensorflow (2.13.1)
Furthermore, CEML is easy to use and can be extended very easily. See the following user guide for more information on how to use and extend CEML.
WaterBenchmarkHub is a platform for providing benchmark resources regarding Water Distribution Networks (WDNs).